PLS Group 2023 Online Autumn Forum

1. Online Autumn Forum

At the 2023 Online Autumn Forum, we will discuss ways to make our goals and philosophy more tangible to attract and maintain long-term relationships. With an aging population, ever-increasing cram school attendance, and a recent rise in cheap online English conversation services, it is more vital than ever to focus on appealing to new students and keeping existing ones happy.

We want…

  • our students to have fun while learning communicative English;

  • our students to learn positive habits and grow as people;

  • to be a place not only for current students, but for graduates.

How can we make these aims more achievable? We invite you to share your experience with events, meetings with parents/guardians, social media, and other ways to achieve these goals.

We are working hard to make this a meaningful event for all, and look forward to seeing you there.

2. Details

The forum will be held on Sunday, November 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.

After a lunch break, optional information-sharing sessions for owners, managers/staff, and teachers will be held from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Fee: ¥3,800 (¥2,800 for each additional attendee per school) (tax incl.)

Please indicate your intended attendance using this form.

  • We request that schools not intending to attend also submit the form.

  • Each form can be used to apply for up to five attendees at a time. If your school will have more than five attendees, please submit multiple forms.

We also ask that you fill out the pre-forum questionnaire (regardless of attendance).

  • The questionnaire should take 5-10 minutes to fill out.

  • The deadline is Wednesday, November 8.

The Zoom details will be sent to attending schools closer to the date.

3. Forum Schedule

09:45   Zoom meeting opens

10:00   Welcoming remarks

10:15   Keynote speech: PLS Group Chairperson Masumi Ormandy “What Makes a School that Will Always be Loved?”

A message from PLS Group Vice-chairperson Ray Ormandy
“The vital importance of our front desk personnel, and in-school, out of class student behavior”

11:15   Break

11:20   Panel discussion:“Sharing Thoughts and Experiences”

Eriko Abe (Arbor English School, Ibaraki)
Nobuko Hasegawa (Eigokan, Saitama)
Miwako Andrews (Adventure English, Tochigi)

*Anecdotes and ideas shared via the pre-questionnaire may be discussed.

12:20   Summary

12:30   Closing remarks

13:30   Afternoon session (attendance optional)

 ① Information sharing (language: Japanese)
 ② Round-table with Ray Ormandy for sharing teaching and problem-solving ideas (language: English)
 ③ Owners and managers meeting (language: Japanese)

As the afternoon meetings are a continuation of the theme of the morning session, in principle only those who attend the morning should join. However, if you are unable to attend the morning and would still like to attend an afternoon meeting, please contact the PLS Head Office.

14:30 Afternoon session closes (planned)

4. Request of Participants

We will use the interpretation channels feature of Zoom for some parts of the forum to offer live language translation. To ensure this, and other features, work as intended, we encourage you to make sure you have the latest version of Zoom installed (or, for those planning to access Zoom through a browser, that your browser is up-to-date).
